I took daddy for a walkie in the woods. It was fun and there were things to sniff.
The tall trees made noises cuz they were moving in the wind.
The woods were fun and I got to run and the sun was out and I was with my daddy.
I took a selfie.
wanna play?
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By bailey
By bailey
I’m feeling really good.
Daddy took me for a walkie today. I found a thing that smelled really, really, really good. So I rolled and rolled in it.
Daddy said “NO!!” when he saw me rolling and rolling. He called my good-smell thing “dedmole”. All I know is that I want more. I can’t wait to go walking again.
The walkie was fun. I got treats and got to walk in the little stream and drink.
When we got home, mommy and daddy gave me a bath outside. I don’t like baths but I like after baths. I get to run around and roll on beds and couches and run and run and run. And it was even more fun because I was still feeling good from rolling in “dedmole”.
Daddy said I was Hi on “dedmole”. I don’t know what that means. I didn’t say hi to it. I just rolled in it. And all I know is that I really want to roll in my good smell thing again.
By bailey
Uncle Randy and Uncle Jason and Opie and Grandma came over on the day there was lots of meat.
We went for a big walkie and Opie was all over the woods running and jumping and running (and pooping too). I tried to keep up with the running part.
Then we got back home where the meat was.
Later, Mommy got out my toys and Opie liked them. Especially the squirrel house. But he almost ate it.
Mommy and me got Opie his own squirrel house and sent it to Uncle Jason and Uncle Randy.
(hey, Daddy says I just made a link)
By bailey
Snow makes me happy. Yesterday I looked out the window and saw this.
I woofing love the snow.
Mommy put my coat on me and mommy and daddy and me went out to play.
I found my swingy.
The wind was blowing and the sun was shining.
We went for a walkie.
I played with my daddy.
I like the woods.
And I woofing love the snow
By bailey
I heard a noise!
Mommy and Daddy took me to a hotel.
From our window we could see a long way. Big buildings and little cars.
And I got a hamburger.
We went for little walkies outside but it was noisy with cars and peoples. Sometimes I saw other doggies. We found a little park and then I got carried inside a store with food.
I barked at night because there were noises on the other side of the wall and door. The noises happened way after mommy and daddy went sleepy. I had to let mommy and daddy know about the noises.
In the morning mommy threw my swingy toy down the hall so I could run and let everybody know I wanted to play.
Then we went to see Opie. He still poops a lot.